Basic Xfl Rules

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Stroke order is surprisingly important when it comes to writing Chinese characters. These are the basic rules for stroke order, which will help you learn how to write Chinese. ESPN’s Kevin Seifert got an early glimpse at the new XFL rule book coming out today. He’s currently employed as Fox Sport’s Football Rules. Basic safety rules for children. Basic safety rules for children. Any parent worried about your child - this is absolutely normal.

  1. Basic Nfl Rules
  2. Basic Xfl Rules List
  3. Basic Xfl Rules Game

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Basic Xfl Rules

Examples of common markups

The table below demonstrates many of the common markups used to format pages. The right column shows the effect of the markup, the left column shows what to write to achieve the effect. More details are available from the text formatting rules and other documentation pages. An exhaustive list of default markup is available as the markup master index.

Paragraphs and line breaks

What to type

What it looks like

Consecutive lineswill be merged togetheras part of the same paragraph.

One or more empty lines will start a new paragraph.

Two backslashes at the end of a line
force a line break.

Or use this markup:
to force a break.

Further reading:

  • text formatting rules for more information on linebreaks, indented or hanging paragraphs.
  • wiki styles for centered or right justified paragraphs and 'floating' text (boxes), borders and much more.


Start each line with # for numbered (ordered) lists or * for bulleted (unordered) lists:

  • Bullet list
  • Another item
    • More asterisks produce sub-items
    • etc.
  1. Numbered lists
  2. Another item
    1. more hashes produce sub-items
  1. List types
  2. can be mixed
    • numbered list with unordered sub-list

Learn more about lists (including definition lists) and list styles.


Headings are useful for creating a 'well-structured' page. They're not just for making big text.

What to type

What it looks like

Major Subheading

Minor Subheading

And More

Text Emphasis

To emphasize, enclose text in apostrophes (single-quote marks), not double-quotes.

What to type

What it looks like

Emphasize (italics),strong (bold), very strong (bold italics).


To make a link to another page, enclose the page's name in double square brackets.

What to type

What it looks like

Practice editing in the wiki sandbox

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Practice editing in thepractice area.

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wiki sandboxes.


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WikiSandbox shows only name

Links to external sites

bare url:

link text: Google

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What's an Wikipedia:aardvark, anyway?

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PmWiki supports more link types and a lot of display options, see Links to learn more.

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For preformatted text with markup (e.g. emphasis) being processed, start each line with a space:

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Escape sequence

If you don't want Wiki markup to be processed, but lines reformatted use [= =]. Can also be used inline.

markup is 'not' processedbut lines are reformatted

Horizontal line

Four or more dashes atthe beginning of a line

produce a 'horizontal rule'


Simple tables use double pipe characters to separate cells:

head 1head 2head 3
cell 1cell 2cell 3

See simple tables and advanced tables to learn more about the rich feature set of PmWiki tables.


See Images

Character formatting

What to type

What it looks like

  • Monospaced text
  • Text with superscripts
  • Text with subscripts
  • deleted strikethrough text
  • inserted text
  • big, bigger text
  • small, smaller text

Use WikiStyles to change the text color .

Page titles

  • The (:title:) directive sets the page's title to something other than its page name.

The title of this page is Basic PmWiki editing rules, spaced as Basic PmWiki editing rules.

Page Description

  • The (:Description Page summary here:) directive sets the page description. The description is used by search engines, and can displayed in search results and in page lists.

The summary description of this page is PmWiki's basic edit syntax.

Basic Nfl Rules

I'm new to PmWiki, where can I find some basic help for getting started?

The Basic Editing page is a good start. From there, you can just follow the navigational links at the bottom of the page (they are called Wiki Trails?) to the next pages, or to the Documentation Index page, which provides an outline style index of essential documentation pages, organized from basic to advanced.

How do I include special characters such as Copyright (©) and Trademark (® or ™) on my wiki pages?


See special characters on how to insert special characters that don't appear on your keyboard.

Why are separate lines of text in the markup combined into a single line on output?

PmWiki normally treats consecutive lines of text as being a paragraph, and merges and wraps lines together on output. This is consistent with most other wiki packages. An author can use the (:linebreaks:) directive to cause separate lines of markup text to be kept as separate lines in the output. A wiki administrator can set in config.php $HTMLPNewline = '<br/>'; to force literal new lines.

Can I just enter HTML directly?

By default (and by design), PmWiki does not support the use of HTML elements in the editable markup for wiki pages. There are a number of reasons for this described in the PmWiki Philosophy and PmWiki:Audiences. Enabling HTML markup within wiki pages in a collaborative environment may exclude some potential authors from being able to edit pages, and pose a number of display and security issues. However, a site administrator can use the Cookbook:EnableHTML recipe to enable the use of HTML markup directly in pages.

Where can I find more documentation?

See the documentation index and the markup master index pages.

< Introduction Documentation index Creating new pages >

This page may have a more recent version on PmWiki:BasicEditing, and a talk page: PmWiki:BasicEditing-Talk.

  • Гонки по линии
  • Кегельринг
  • Кегельринг-МАКРО
  • Мини-сумо
  • Канат

Basic Rules ..........................2

Object of the Game ....................... 2

Beginning the Game...................... 2

Sequence of Play ........................... 2

Basic xfl rules list

The Groups.................................... 3

Alignment .................................. 3

Power ......................................... 3

Resistance .................................. 4

Income........................................ 4

Special Abilities......................... 4

Actions........................................... 4

Attacks........................................... 4

Attack to Control ....................... 4

Attack to Neutralize................... 6

Attack to Destroy....................... 6

Interference.................................... 7

Calling Off an Attack .................... 7

Transferring Money....................... 7

Moving a Group ............................ 7

Free Actions................................... 7

Gifts and Trades ............................ 7

Transferring Groups................... 7

Throwing the Game ................... 8

When Is a Deal Binding?........... 8

Threats and Negotiations............... 8

Special Cards................................. 8

Eliminating a Player...................... 8

Leaving the Game...................... 8

Winning the Game......................... 8
Advanced Rules....................9

Adjusting Game Length .................9

Hidden Goals..................................9

Hidden Illuminati............................9

Larger Games .................................9


Strategy .............................10

The Power Structure.....................10


Capturing Several Groups

at Once ......................................10

About the Illuminati .....................11

Illuminati Rules Summary...........16


Game Design by STEVE JACKSON
With development by J. DAVID GEORGE
Basic Xfl RulesCard illustrators JOHN GRIGNI,
With additional coloring by
Art Director ALAIN H. DAWSON
Production by ALEX FERNANDEZ
Prepress Checker MONICA STEPHENS

Basic Xfl Rules List

and the all-seeing pyramid are registered

trademarks, and the names of all other products published by

Steve Jackson Games are trademarks or registered trademarks,

of Steve Jackson Games Incorporated, or used under license.

is copyright © 1982-2013 by Steve Jackson

Games Incorporated. Rules version 3.2 (June 2013).

All rights reserved. Fnord.

Basic Xfl Rules Game



This game includes 8 Illuminati cards; 83 cards representing other Groups; 15

Special cards; 4 blank cards; 160 money tokens, representing megabucks (MB); two dice;

and this rulebook.

Number of Players
Illuminati is best for four to six players. You can play with three or even two, but this

limits the possibilities for diplomacy and negotiation. With seven or eight, some rule

changes will be needed to keep the game moving quickly (see p. 9).

This book has three sections: Basic Rules, Advanced Rules, and Strategy. You may

start by reading only the Basic Rules, leaving the rest until later. The Rules Summary on

the back page contains everything necessary to play.